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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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to become a villain because we go to the grand imperial truly the tallest was the coolest coromandel you can know with such ill chosen literature it's a duty to go and. read this and to kill those that you know as a security. pressure mounts on the british prime minister who gets a grilling in parliament today because time is because it's greatest music or think that it is we all think he's benefiting the timing of the sound of. the last remaining new prime suspect wanted by the un for the balkans conflict is counted as serbia reference fugitive commander goran hadzic in a bid to join the e.u. . they forced me to run away and now they spit on my case we meet a fool myself a lebanese soldier who claims israel for suggesting they can help fight hezbollah a decade inc a.
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very warm welcome to you this is our scene live from moscow not a firestorm surrounding me but murdoch's media empire is spreading as related arrests and resignations continue even the british prime minister has been forced to face palm and to explain why he employed in eggs these court edits into his administration or this is the demise of john the sean or ignites debate over another high profile death of the heart of a different drama that reports. another political scandal erupts another whistleblower diaries sean hoare was the first former news of the world journalists to go on the record to allege that phone hacking was endemic at the paper and that its editor andy colson actively encouraged it paul was found dead in his house on
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monday setting the bloke a spear into a frenzy of comparisons with the case of dr david kelly why isn't the sean hoare story bigger reminds me of how dr david kelly was bumped off eerily similar tragedies of seem war and david kelly all this madness and war there and then it can we sean who are this what i'm thinking something's not right dr kelly was the u.n. weapons inspector who first cause doubt on the government's claim that iraq could deploy weapons of mass destruction within forty five minutes it led to scrutiny of tony blair's decision to invade iraq by extraordinary coincidence kelly's body was discovered exactly eight years before that of sean hordes on the eighteenth of july two thousand and three it was british journalist andrew gilligan who david kelly had spoken to to publicize his belief that the forty five minute claim had been exaggerated believes there are similarities between kelly and short haul being at the center of one of these storms
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a terrifying experience i really don't believe either david or sean hoare was murdered because. i simply don't think it would have been in anyone's interest to murder them once they'd got into the public spotlight and in a with an iota of sense of government would have known that to kill them would just would just amplify the story i think it simply i think both were under enormous pressure from their roles as whistle blows and and found it difficult to cope with that pressure short haul with evidence could have been crucial to proving that the news of the world editors supported a culture of listening to private voice mail sport stories former editor andy colson who later became a media director to the current. minister has always denied the allegations the man was destroyed professionally by views international. in london is a very small amount was. drinking too much taking drugs he was to. police this thing called death doesn't appear suspicious and they're looking at
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suicide talk to kelly's death was also recorded as suicide although many including leading doctors and m.p.'s have never accepted that their suspicions of hardly be quelled by the fact the post-mortem report and other evidence has been classified for seventy years to ten arrests six resignations two convictions and one death that the toll of the phone hacking scandal so far that the key whistleblower scandal has raised questions but so far only about twitter ossie it's being reported as a horrible and unfortunate coincidence but it's doubtful that if this had happened elsewhere say in russia or in india the british media would be so quick to accept it as a coincidence particularly gets out in the light of the death of david kelly you read it r.t. loved. one is david cameron tries to explain his feelings with rupert murdoch's
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empire british blogger harry cole believes those ties could take their toll on both the pm and his government. what really gave the story legs was the fact that david cameron to be. disgraced. because and because of the quality for the main it was director of communications i don't think without without that kind of. legs given to the story i think it probably wouldn't have been quite so big as it is now but the fact is there's been some real errors of judgment it turns out. the governing conservative party but the department's david cameron yet again his chief of staff has been shown to be essentially instigating a cover up by the connections because you have to sort of phone hacking and making sure that the prime minister then leader of the opposition david cameron didn't know about it as being a large element of fingers it isn't just a kind of heads in the sand and that is lethal for a prime minister and he's now in a real fight he is in
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a real really bad situation he could well be looking at some serious consequences for himself at the very least still around him. ok what is the phone hacking scandal in britain continues to unfold on a daily basis so in clouds gathering a prime minister david cameron he has close connections and backroom media and i have seen facing some difficult questions and parliament day well let's cross live now to london while he's there and that's sounding by for us. you've been following this very closely for us tonight it looks like one of cameron's hardest days since you take a in the p.m.'s chair doesn't it. that's right he's faced some very tough questions from. the house today about his own involvement essentially in this phone hacking scandal it's been revealed that he had extensive meetings or has had extensive meetings during the fifteen months that he's been in office with all sorts of
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executives from news corp run from news international twenty six meetings in fifteen months so that's a lot for a prime minister have to have he's also faced tough questions about his. cool as his director of communications and it was before he's in the world journalist who. was being investigated back in two thousand and nine as part of that original investigation into phone hacking as david cameron said if you knew about the happening that was going on inside his paper then he lied to everybody including several counts of perjury where he lives under oath and so he would be prosecuted for that and you also said that if if school soon had lloyds to him to david cameron then he would apologize for that he stopped short of apologizing so far we're seeing new allegations surface all the time is something to do with this all the news the world journalist neil wallis who was hired as a consultant for the police it also seems now that he was advising and coos and
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head of the general election and cameron said very clearly that he wasn't ever employed by the government and that he had never been paid by the conservative party to do that he's also faced repeated questions about whether whether cameron interfered in the peace guard be deal that rupert murdoch was trying to push through did he have conversations with news corp executives about the b. sky b. deal he has refused to answer that really very directly saying only that he's had no appropriate conversations and so because the question over and over again this is really a scandal that we think is still unfolding really and it involves this tangled. and in the relationships between politicians and the police and the media and cameron has become more and more implications as this scandal has gone on it's now been revealed that his chief of staff allegedly all of scotland yard the police schools
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not to brief the prime minister on the phone hacking investigation as it was going on and people are now asking whether that was willful ignorance on the part of the chief of staff on the part of the prime minister does he want to avoid knowing about the investigation i'm not usually a betting woman but i have looked at a couple of betting shops and the all of that offering on cameron being the next minister to leave office at the beginning of the week the odds were one hundred to one and now they've dropped in some places to as low as forty one people also taking advantage of this situation of course miliband the leader of the opposition has consistently stopped short of calling for the prime minister to resign but he is going out of his way to set himself as what he sees as a more trustworthy leader for the country and of course we've seen the commissioner of the metropolitan police simple stephenson on his resignation saying essentially that he didn't see why he had to step down by hiring this news of the world journalist neil wallis when david cameron doesn't have to step down so having hired
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as he calls them is his director of communications so this is this is certainly not the end of this and very serious for david cameron the scandal just rumbles on in london ok lord many thanks for that. and of course you know what you think about placing on our website what will be the biggest fallout from this phone hacking scandal we're seeing in the k. so fall there was george do you think it will end with regret murdoch losing his many slices of media caves and has this always of course of being the cabinet was full of fear pulls the conventional media losing out to the locus and fourteen percent of you think the biggest outcome. we nothing more than alec had to be award winning blockbuster by. moving on to serbia now and it's fulfilled the final demands of the u.n. war crimes tribunal for the former yugoslavia eggs creations good and hard it has
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been arrested after eight years on the run he's accused of several atrocities and three were put in to be in croatia and yugoslavia in the early nineteenth ranging from murder to religious persecution if follows the arrest of round came about it she was wanted for similar crimes which marred serbia is driving to overcome obstacles to its membership is done a lot when director of the institute of democracy and cooperation in paris says serbia strategy for improving its image its guidance i've never been a supporter of this. viral policy towards the hague tribunal or indeed towards the european union in general it's my view but i've expressed many times that the hague tribunal is a politically rigged court whose trials are a disgrace to the principles of due process and i moreover think that the prosecutions that have been brought against serbian. indictees are qualitatively different and more aggressive than those that have been brought against other
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nationalities including ukraine's crisis you don't improve your image by effectively admitted as the present government in belgrade has done that so the u.s. role in the breakup of yugoslavia was qualitatively worse than that of the other states. there with the r.c. and still a few this hour georges which for alleged spines gathers pace on the part of the child for the espionage for russians be guilty local journalists say the suspects are forced to infest to send a clear message to the rest of two hundred meters. well speaking justice for those killed by drones this human rights campaign is the mom the rest of the line strikes on purpose because one danger is the ongoing campaign paces for the us. it's eleven years in the israeli army withdrew from lebanon however the consequences of the war against hezbollah and the palestinian liberation organization are still being felt by thousands of former soldiers members of the
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south lebanese army who fought alongside their israeli counterparts so the country they bought has that them down to school it's clear as a story. there's only one thing for guys national dreams about and that is to return home but home is southern lebanon and he's stuck here on the other side of the border in northern israel. that's my home five kilometers away eleven years ago for was was one of several thousand questionable knees to flee with the israeli army as it left lebanon for eighteen years the israelis have been fighting the palestine liberation organization and hizbollah on lebanese soil helped by the south lebanon army a militia of christians and jews control the south of the country the south lebanese army didn't fight for israel as a world that is there didn't fight. there was a meeting of interest between them and us that growing domestic pressure in israel
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of the high losses suffered by the army finally convinced the government to withdraw and it did so quickly. area epstein was a soldier at the time and says the lebanese soldiers who helped israel were left behind almost like sitting ducks and. if we're soldiers knew little about us leaving they for sure knew even less there was some sort of selection the commanders were brought here but i'm sure if you were a driver not much was done for you. some seven thousand stopped lebanon army soldiers crossed into israel those who were left behind would tried jailed and sometimes killed as traitors for was national was one of those who got heart alive even working with israeli intelligence hoping to recruit lebanese spies i did not want to roll here i wanted to die fighting with the israeli intelligence almost forced me to call it a myth i was told you know. the way they treat me now is a shame and force me to run away. six months ago i'm not
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a lawyer found for was living in a tent on the street it was hardly surviving on a few hundred dollars a month these weak government gave him i feel ashamed. in my country. the breeding not only the case of for was not there but two thousand people that remain in state in israel why country in the state of israel are treated when. it's a charge the government is aware of although it says it's doing its best to help it by giving cash education and in some cases although not in followers there is a home. for them already eleven years. not because. we don't have to we must. with it's very unique it's a very unique nobody did they do the. european union with. nobody of them. but still that treatment was not enough to stop two
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thirds of those who came to israel from immigrating elsewhere but i feel betrayed the beast sitting in the special intelligence forces have not given me any help since i've been here this is the israeli lebanese border and friends used to be known as the good friends there in the last seven years since the israelis withdrew from lebanon the situation has deteriorated and this is because the defense has since become close friends and through its bars israel's forgotten friends seem condemned to fit a peek at the family they're more than likely never see again policy r.t. on the israel lebanon border. you can find more background on israel's conflicts with its neighbors on our website dot com also that the latest on the efforts to lift the sunken bold barrier cruiser from the river bed in central russia for asia is expected to start shortly and we've first hand accounts from the divers who found the one hundred fourteen bodies trapped in the back also. the biggest concent
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the world. unique project is on the way in st petersburg to create a model replica or brush your prime details you can look at all gallery crowd. rigging free storage three. three. three. three. three blow in video for your media project and a free media card. george is the latest spy saga takes yet another twist tblisi says that three fellows here john this child was spying for russia have no confessed guilt anything in the reports there are mounting concerns the suspects were us into admitting crying think didn't commit.
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and then there were in on the last georgian photographer to deny allegations of spying has apparently his story he now admits the charges video testimony of your galaad says confession of spying for russia was released by prosecutors to the media but most journalists are skeptical at this rate as development for our filthiness old this is very strange and there is in the middle of the night god and this is a case has been marked this old secret all of these raises questions and are not getting any answers and this confession is a serious case reviews are because with this whole deal. you are getting lots of maintains his innocence ever since he along with three other photojournalists was arrested at the beginning of this month old including president mikhail saakashvili his personal photographer were accused of passing on top secret information to russia's military intelligence initially insisted they were innocent and then one by one the photographers started changing their testimonies eventually three of
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them incriminated themselves in his pen asure but up the laws they insisted he was not guilty and even went on hunger strike to protest this point in fact his lawyer says the photographer seems to have changed his mind over the space of just ten minutes and that's led to questions over the circumstances under which the photographer seems to have changed his story and then actually editor of all the a newspaper dimensions of god's it believes these admissions of guilt show the case has been fabricated. we live in a totalitarian state and all current is concentrated in their hands of president saakashvili and if someone goes against him all of us will in that way. if the interior ministry had any other proof of their guilt he wouldn't have to force these confessions i to remember what they were basically this is a message for all of our journalists including me and all the. embers of the media
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heard the message loud and clear and stage a protest outside the jail with utah gophers are being held and detention human rights activists meanwhile believe. this is the most powerful country album grounded because it's very likely that of their lives or will be forced to ask for my removal from the case investigators want everyone to interfere out of the picture so they can lead the way they want they want the case of the photographers turned without any public discussion and that's possible if all the rest to plead guilty to go and well because the seems outrageous to journalists and really ordinary people it's just the latest in the seemingly endless string of spies scandals to hit georgia even r.t. or u.k. based human rights groups together with pakistani activists seeking an arrest warrant for a former cia a legal director is allegedly responsible for drone strikes in the country be killed hundreds of civilians now retired and jonah rizzo admitted in the interview
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that he did prove attacks in pakistan since two thousand and four despite the fact the u.s. isn't the country the strikes are intended to target al qaeda militants but the total civilian death toll is s. message at up to two thousand five hundred people so far pakistani lawyers have already filed a complaint against rizzo accusing him of conspiring to kill innocent people american antiwar activists fred brown and believes the u.s. is harming its own interests of the region. basic justification for this program is that it's protecting america it's necessary for u.s. national security in fact they already figures that we've seen these drone strikes have been fury of the people of pakistan we've quadrupled the pakistani taliban in numbers and while it's attacks of they've moved them east into the boonies you have the heartland where really now was
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a major threat to the pakistani government. the pakistani military so much that there's now talk of an answer a u.s. military coup on the front page of the new york times and most importantly we according to the best are very and better solution real than the wiki leaks cables . were so the u.s. is so hated now in pakistan the government is afraid it's corporate with iran seafaring its nightmare materials which are the world's fastest growing and by all experts will tell you the least secure so the result of this drone strike campaign is variously creasing the danger in the united states of a conventional and or nuclear terrorist attack it has a great balance and i think national have. taken us private in iraq a fama has welcomed the five possum's then it designed to cause the countries threats about aids to decrease the deficit for trey and sell his name for the next they don't have any fucking health spending education and nation. wouldn't have to
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have police and looming to get new makers it's on both policies or think discussing raising the federal. policemen including a district chief all percent sunni insurgents were killed in a firefight in the south that are constantly under hard security forces attacked the building of the tip offs how about militants are in hiding and planning to attack and nearby police stations violence this spike does that police begin to take charge of security a process that's due to last until twenty fourteen by that time most foreign troops were hotly sure all those remaining will be disappointed rather than combat roles. syria's foreign minister has warned the ambassadors of american frogs don't travel outside the capital without permission earlier this month the diplomats will severely criticized the government this is in the volatile town of hama considered
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the opposition stronghold but this comes as security forces continue of body parts iran's and government demonstrations at least ten people were killed on tuesday's police final rally in the city of homs. he wrote about the main stories in just a few minutes before about they were the businesses. following a welcome to business here our large seen our stock markets are letting out a little sigh of relief at least for the moments the wall come for us and obama's news of progress on raising america's debt ceiling he's meeting with congressional leaders to discuss a new that cutting plan and determine if it could point the way out of the end that's. it does seem that this is kind of what president obama was looking for but for trillion dollars is a big problem however because with enormous cuts as we're seeing in greece for example is that really good cops can actually damage economic growth so moch
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that in fact the government's finances could end up looking even worse worse and is a very probably lowering to be between north damaging economic growth and making the government why don't look good and i think that's a tricky line to go in the last day to be had from the u.s. the key piece of data about unemployment for true really showed the u.s. economy and i think that is also causing some concern on. the list like a look at the markets now crude is on the rise we see about a light sweet is just over one dollar the price increase comes after a strong u.s. housing data and they're telling avoid in fact before the fall and branches are just over a dollar as well for the european stock markets are higher this hour with financials driving gains the over and i rally on bell street and earnings from apple are boosting investor confidence there. and here in moscow both of my socks are in the
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black the r.t.s. is almost one percent off and my sex is just half a percent now let's take a look at the blue chips on the my sax most of them are on the rise gas promise adding point nine percent they're also telecom this posting strong gains on speculation it could be completely sold to private investors the state however would still hold veto rights and pulling out all slipped into negative territory after several days of gains as gold is edging lower. car production in russia is returning to pre-crisis levels this spike a positive outlook prime minister putin has ordered car makers to increase production to three hundred thousand vehicles per year the number of automobiles made in the country has jumped fifty seven percent a year year on. a new scheme require three hundred thousand production is a very sensible step because it is an attempt to move the market in the right
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direction what we had before that was fifteen or twenty one fracturing facilities that were really just assembly units where most of the components were imported and i'm in my assembly unit doesn't bring much local work so the government really wants it's a bring the production of components into russia that's a great jobs for engine is probably still specialised which is russian and and with the promise of that scale of production then it makes sense for components. so brutally it's it's a good set and if the market price is strong as we expect to get within five years up to about three now that's even towards four million if things go well then then it's all makes sense. and that's all the business news for now dmitri will have the next update for you in about fifteen minutes and the main song as the headlines without us.
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for the full scope we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms where
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should. we dump the future coverage. wealthy british scientists are. sometimes right on. target. markets find scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headline news you need to cause a report on our chief. fifty. five.


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